All our members are highly skilled, fully understand and are committed to our mission


Pavol lohinský

CEo and senior


“My professional life, starting from 1997 was linked to Dionica – at that time one of the leading european EFT POS producers. It is a very good “university” – starting as a programmer, going through project manager and ending up like technical director of Dionica for central Europe. It gave me the best experience in any side of POS terminal business. In 2004 I decided to resign – my wish was to slowly switch from manging position back to the software development battle-field. Logically, the first customer was again Dionica and the first employee was me. As the time was passing, I hired young and motivated developers having great motivation to provide innovative solutions. Since that we served to number of customers – acquirers, EFT POS manufacturers or transaction processors.”

timotej šulík

Senior Android


“I joined the team in 2017 and I’am responsible for main part of development on Android EFT POS terminals. Participating on first Android EFT POS project – C-TAP payment application I moved into position of managing my own projects.”



Junior Web


“I joined the team in 2020 and I’am
responsible for web design and maintenance.
I’am also a tester and I work on